1. Which President was ambidextrous and reputedly could write in Latin with one hand while writing in ancient Greek with the other hand at the same time?
2. In which month were the most Presidents born?
3. Who were the shortest Presidents...in height, not time in office?
4. Which President was the grandson of another President?
5. Which much-maligned President was elected a U. S. Senator after he had been President?
6. How many Presidents had 'Franklin' for their first name? What were their full names?
7. Who was the first Vice President under Abraham Lincoln? Which state was he from?
8. Who was one of James Madison's Vice Presidents whose name became synonomous with manipulation of the area of a voting district to benefit one particular political party over another? What is the word used that comes from his name? Which state was he from?
9. Several years prior to the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant may have run afoul of his military commander for his drinking so that his superior officers may have encouraged him to resign under threat of a court-martial. Who was the U. S. Secretary of War when Grant submitted his resignation?
10. Who was the only First Lady who was not born in the United States. No, it was not Senator Kerry's wife. He didn't win!
11. With which religious denomination were the most Presidents affiliated?
12. Which former President ran as the 'Know-Nothing Party' candidate for President? What were some of the positions of that party?
13. Who was the first Vice President to replace a President who died in office?
14. How many Vice Presidents replaced a President before the end of his term? Who were they?
15. How many Vice Presidents became President under any circumstances? Who were they?
16. What has been the most common first name of our Presidents? Who was the last President with that name?
17. Which lady may have played a major, but inadvertent role, in keeping John Calhoun from succeeding Andrew Jackson as President?
18. In 1860, when the nation was at risk of breaking up, some of Franklin Pierce's friends asked him to run for President again. However, he recommended his former Secretary of War, instead. Who was the person he recommended?
19. How many Presidents were born in Virginia? Who were they?
20. Three Presidents attended William and Mary. Who were they?
21. How many Presidents were born in Ohio? Who were they?
22. Which former President was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
23. At least one President graduated from both Harvard and Yale. Name him.
24. Who was the last President who did not have a college degree?
25. Who was the tallest President of the United States? How many Presidents were 6 feet or taller (as adults)?
26. Who was the first President to be born in an independent United States? No, it wasn't George Washington because the United States were actually separate colonies of England at the time of his birth in 1732.
27. There is often discussion about the influence and background of the President's wife. There have been First Ladies who broke new ground when they entered the White House. Which First Lady was the first to have a college degree when her husband was elected President?\
28. Which President played semi-pro baseball under an assumed name so that he would not be ineligible to play baseball at the collegiate level?
29. Who was probably the last President to be born in a log cabin?
30. Some people have claimed that Barack Obama was not a U. S. citizen on account of one reason or another. He is not the first President saddled with such an accusation. Who was another President that some people claimed not to be a U. S. citizen?
31. In the mid-fifties, one President, who had been a practicing lawyer several years before entering the White House, defended a 'Negro' woman who had been put off a streetcar in New York City. He won the case, and eventually, he gained equal rights for 'Negroes' on all of New York's streetcars. Which President was this?
32. At the same Republican convention at which Garfield was nominated to run for President, a 'Negro' Senator from Mississippi received 8 votes for Vice President. In the end, the convention picked Chester A. Arthur to run for Vice President. However, had the African-American been chosen, he might have become President if the general election had turned out the same way as it did, and Garfield died in office, as he did. Who was this man?
33. Which President was born on July 4th?
34. How many Presidents died on July 4th? Who were they?
35. Which future first lady went to the Bastille to visit Madame de Lafayette who was imprisoned there on account of her noble background? The future American President was a good friend of Lafayette but thought it would cause less of a diplomatic controversy but more embarrassment for the French if he sent his his wife alone on the visit. The end result was Madame de Lafayette was freed.
36. Who was the only President to earn a Ph.D. as opposed to receiving an honorary degree?
37. Which President turned down an honorary degree from Harvard and stated that he was unworthy of such an honor?
38. Who was the youngest First Lady to ever reside in the White House as First Lady?
39. Which President did not finish secondary school even though his father graduated from Yale and from the Theological Seminary at Princeton, and one of his brothers graduated from Hamilton College?
40. Here's a 'Who's buried in Grant's tomb?' type of question. Some time after his father died, Grover Cleveland decided to leave New York state where he had grown up and to set out on his own to seek his fortune. What important mid-western city did he originally intend to go to?
41. Which President did not attend William and Mary in Virginia because he and his family were concerned about the 'liberal tendencies' at that college. So, he entered Princeton College in New Jersey, instead.
42. How many U. S. Presidents never attended high school? Who were they?
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